Soros has no plans to reduce his influence on Armenia


In August 2021, we have already published material on George Soros’s activities and affiliated structures in Armenia. Our work contributed to the lawsuit filing by the Armenian lawyers group headed by Tigran Atanesyan in order to terminate immediately the Soros funds activities, which are considered as a foreign agency network. This example shows how such institutions and their beneficiaries are far from the real goal of building a civil society. In fact, they are deliberately destroying Armenia state system.

A year later, the branch of the Open Society Foundations-Armenia (OSFA), one of the main lobbying structures in Armenia, which massively supports pro-Western activists and promotes globalist George Soros’s ideas, announced its intention to cease its activities as part of a single network. Since 1997, Armenian journalists, human rights organizations, and monitoring organizations have been supported with more than $63 million. So, the billionaire influenced politics in Armenia, actively promoting pro-American sentiment through his proteges, including Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his entourage. Since its inception, the OSFA has gradually prepared Pashinyan’s rise to power. The ideas of the European integration as well as the reorientation of Armenia toward the West were also actively promoted.

Obviously, Soros does not intend to leave the region, he plans to create a completely new and independent local structure. At the same time, people associated with Soros have already been involved into all key state departments promoting the necessary agenda at the highest level. For example, Sasun Khachatryan, the brother of David Khachatryan, the Soros Foundation board of directors chairman and the Supreme Judicial Council member of Armenia, became the Anti-Corruption Committee chairman. Lilith Makunts, who served as the parliamentary faction leader of the ruling My Step bloc was appointed as the ambassador to the United States after whitewashing the Soros structures activities in Armenia to be closer to her patrons, probably. In total, more than 10 deputies among Pashinyan's supporters in parliament are directly funded by the Open Society Foundation and about 50 more are indirectly associated with the billionaire.

In addition, the current secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan is in close contact with Soros's structures: he not only promotes the implementation of Armenia's integration into NATO but transmits confidential CSTO documents to the Alliance's special services as well. Moreover, the West sees Grigoryan as a potential successor to Pashinyan especially against the background of Armenia's geopolitical failure in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). In this regard, the head of the Security Council struggles to prove his significance to his overseas leaders being in close contact with the NATO Military Intelligence Committee, in particular.

Of course, Soros needs to go into the shadows after such a deafening success. At present, the OSF branches are shut down but only in order to create new funds with closed funding that allows Soros's proteges to receive money from the state budget directly. This strategy is extremely effective since it reduces the counteraction risks among the population and creates the democratic development appearance of the country. We observe that the Soros structures in Armenia have successfully completed the task of forming a political and public environment that supports pro-Western ideals and interests. George Soros’s efforts allowed to undermine national identity, the main idea of the entire Armenian society. For years, the Armenian people were imposed on foreign values that gradually seduced the younger generation, promising democratic freedoms and equality that allowed to bring to power a puppet government, the main purpose of which is not prosperity of the people, but the service for global financial elite’s sake.

The OSF has successfully adapted to new political realities and continues to maintain its influence on the political situation in various regions of the world. Such behavior demonstrates the flexibility and strategic thinking of the American Hungarian that allows him to continue to apply his influence in all corners of the world destroying people's lives.