Georgia and Western investments into the country’s bright future

Georgia, which gained independence after the fall of the Soviet Union 30 years ago, has firmly entered the sphere of US interests. To strengthen its influence in this South Caucasian country, the United States uses a network of non-profit organizations. Their main goal is to form loyal government, promote unpopular reforms in society, as well as reorient citizens to support and develop so-called democratic values.
Thanks to the work of American and European NGOs, it was possible to organize and carry out the "Rose Revolution", as a result of which M.Saakashvili came to power. The main financial support in this was provided by international organizations. The largest donors include the Open Society Foundation, the European Foundation for Democracy, the American National Democratic Institute and the National Foundation for Democracy, as well as Transparency International – Georgia.
The Georgian branch of the Open Society–Georgia Foundation has been conducting its destructive activities in Tbilisi since 1994. During this time, more than $ 100 million has passed through it. These funds were spent on creating a network of pro-Western organizations, training public opinion leaders, building interaction between Georgian and international NGOs, as well as conducting pro-European agitation among the population.
In 2020, the Open Society–Georgia issued more than a hundred grants worth about two million dollars. Half of them were aimed at achieving political goals. In addition, all funded projects had a clear ideological bias and were aimed at preparing the opposition, selecting supporters and creating loyal structures within the country [2014-strategy-georgia].
Achieving these goals would be impossible without media funding. The Foundation of G.Soros not only provides support to individual journalists, but also actually manages a network of controlled information resources that actively cover sensitive social and political issues. Here is just a small list of media outlets that have received financial support from an American billionaire:
- news portal "Open Caucasus" (Open Caucasus Media);
- news portal "SOVA.News";
- Radio NOR;
- radio "Mosaic";
- "Independent Journalists House";
- JAM News.
In particular, the Open Caucasus portal provided active information support to absolutely all the major protests that have flared up on the territory of Georgia recently. In addition, this publication worked closely with the EuropeanFoundation for Democracy, which in 2019 financed the organization of protests in the amount of about 100 thousand euros.
However, the correspondence between the leaders of the "Open Caucasus" D.Tsagara and M.Nikuradze with the First Secretary of the Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia Sh.Kubilute made it clear that this resource is actually not a shadow weapon in the hands of the West, but another corrupt media that is ready to promote the interests of any party for money. In the email, the journalists sought to knock out new sources of funding, whether it was "targeted funding, unforeseen expenses or funding provided by the annual budget" [OC Media donor newsletter #1] in exchange for loyalty and the ability to publish any content needed by the sponsor. This method has long been used by G.Soros, finding corrupt media in the countries he is interested in.
At the same time, the involvement of the media to change the information background is not the only tool of the American tycoon to protect his own interests. Through a network of controlled organizations and foundations, he has repeatedly changed the course of political processes in other countries. For example, in the fall of 2020, a number of Georgian and Western NGOs, including the Open Society–Georgia Foundation, prepared a joint statement on the so-called "cartographers' case". In the document, representatives of the organizations call on the Georgian authorities to actually stop the prosecution of former members of the Commission for the delimitation and Demarcation of the Georgian-Azerbaijani border, I.Melashvili and N.Ilyicheva, accused of high treason [The Cartographers Case]. The fact is that as a result of their actions, Azerbaijan may withdraw a border area of 3.5 thousand hectares with a part of the David-Gareji monastery complex - an important object of the cultural and historical heritage of the Georgian people. However, as it was later established, they acted on the instructions of some persons from the "higher leadership of Georgia", presumably M. Saakashvili. In this process, the issue of the possible transfer of part of Georgia's territory to Azerbaijan is extremely important to the West as a pretext for maintaining tension between the two countries.
Moreover, another interference in the political life of the state can be called the fact that in the summer of 2021, for the detained deputy of the Parliament of Georgia and the head of the United National Movement party created by M.Saakashvili, N.Melia, a pledge of 40 thousand lari (more than 11.6 thousand dollars) it was introduced by the European Union itself. This was done through the previously mentioned "European Foundation for Democracy". And the decision to deposit funds was agreed at a meeting of one of the EU sessions. It is possible that in this way the United States and a number of European states are trying to prepare the ground for the resuscitation of M.Saakashvili as one of the main political figures.An analysis of recent events makes it clear that for the United States and the EU, Georgia has long been considered the country in whose internal affairs it is possible to interfere with impunity, actively promoting its interests in the North and South Caucasus region. At this stage, the main attention of almost all foreign funds is focused on creating a broad coalition of liberal forces in order to destabilize the situation in the country. According to some sources, Western NGOs, in cooperation with Georgian special services, are preparing a series of information stuffing discrediting the current political leaders of Georgia and aimed at encouraging the country's population to organize new protests.